The following are the core values of HBC:
- Unwavering commitment to God’s Word and to God’s glory in matters of theology and personal living
- Obedience to the Great Commission for evangelism and discipleship
- Utter dependence on prayer, God’s Word, and His wisdom through biblical counselors
- Fellowship with those who are separated and committed to truth and God’s glory
- Commitment to the authority and ministry of the local church
- Commitment to ethics and integrity in our thinking, actions, and relationships
- Maintaining active Trustees and Officers who reflect our core values
- Personal accountability and responsibility throughout the ministry
Practically demonstrated by:
- – Support to only Bible-centered religious, not-for-profit ministries (only in the 10/40 Window)
- – Developing relationships through the education of children and adults (especially in the 500,000 villages)
- – Further training and education of nationals in ministry (i.e., Master- or Doctorate-level classes)
- – Determination to never borrow money (but rather use only what God has provided; never presume)
- – Never charging for administrative expenses (but practice what we preach)
- – Encouragement and help for national people with a support base (teaching nationals how to “fish”)